Film, 3 mins


Filippo Romano Valtore


Light is the vibration of ancient hymns and the forest itself is a chorus of souls on the way to the source of Everything.

Are these invisible spaces of nature the next unknown territories to be explored?


Valtore was born in Rome in 1988.

In 2014 he created Planta Rei, a project of constant research on the relationship between Photography and the Plant Kingdom. In 2015 he started travelling with the Wwoof association in Sardinia and the Eastern Alps, deepening issues related to Agroecology. He took part in collective exhibitions in Rome, Turin, Berlin and in May 2018 I exhibited my works at the institute a.r.t.e.s. in Cologne, on the occasion of the Kunstfenster.

At the moment he’s based in Paris where he works as a gardener, horticulturist and educator.