Salt and Stone is an exploration of changing the way we experience our bodies in an ecosphere that has been both irrevocably changed by humans.
Simultaneously the ecosphere has the power to destroy us and, when we are reminded of this, our fear may drive us to do further harm. Through butoh and text, this piece explores “the morning after,” and a possible pathway to hope and transformation on the other side. Since moving to the South from Canada, I have become interested in developing work that is specific to the place where I live, that
contests stereotypes about Southern culture and creativity. I live in an area named after the lithium found in the water. Lithium is associated with mental health and mood stability. It is stone and salt and it flows through the waters here. Dancing at Sweetwater, Lithia Springs and by Arabia Mountain, Lithonia (“city of stone”) I am invoking the history of these spaces (cotton mills and mines) and exploring the possibility of transformation Here.