El Vergel


Performance, 20 mins






El Vergel is the evolving path walked by tow characters, dressed up in organic costumes and masks, they seek awareness on belonging to an ecosystem that communicates, exchanges information, collaborates and maintains balance through a subtle language that does not relay on words; observation, interaction and integration. Art is their means of transport, through their movement these two characters aim at manifesting and offer to the ecosystem the beauty that lives within.


Sebastian O’Hea Suarez

Born in Mexico city in 1992, in 2011 I began a circus degree at UMA University in Puebla. I have trained myself on clowning with teachers such as Jef Johnson, Virginia Imaz and Jango Edwards, among others. I have trained myself on dancing with teachers such as Francesca Cinalli, Yoshiko Yokko, and Doraina Crema. On 2013 I began a degree on Physical Theatre at ATF Philip Radice in Turin. On 2017 “Il Malato Immaginario” premiered, I played the main role under the direction of John Kellam. The same year premiered Uroboro, a co-created show with Simona Ceccobelli. I have studied and performed in Mexico, Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy.

Agnese Soncin

I was born in Bra, Italy, in 1996. I studied foreign language at college and later on attended to the University of Literatures and Cultures of the Modern World in Turin. I began theater at an amateur level at the age of 13, assisting at workshops and internships in my city. I volunteered offering art therapy at Alba’s prisons and in the drug addiction center Coperativa Alice. In 2016 I began my professional theatre training at the Atelier Teatro Fisico Philip Radice. I attended clown internships (Avner Eisenberg), Danza Butoh (Yokko), Commedia dell’Arte (Eugenio Allegri), Superdrama (Jon Kellam). I participated as lead actress on the crea4on of the show Diavolaede, directed by Jon Kellam and Ginevra Scaglia. I alended Carlo Boso’s Commedia Dell’Arte school AIDAS in Paris.