A Sea of Cogs


Films 15 mins each, Performance 30 mins


Ruaridh Law


A Sea Of Cogs 1: Fabiana – Available from Sun 13 June
A Sea Of Cogs 2: Scott- Available from Mon 14 June
A Sea Of Cogs 3: Jen – Available from Tues 15 June
A Sea Of Cogs 4: Ronan – Available from Wed 16 June
A Sea Of Cogs 5: Mariam – Thurs 17 June
Performance – Fri 18 June 9PM BST


Pre-recorded films will be closed captioned.

Warning: may contain swearing.

A Sea Of Cogs is a series of short films (both streaming, and woven together into a singular live performance), focusing on interviews with individuals who have lost work and their sense of self during the pandemic. Told through Zoom interviews, visualised data, and excerpts from Ursula Le Guin’s “The Dispossessed”, it strives to map out how we can all move forwards after we leave the walls built around us.

1. Fabiana 2. Scott 3. Jen 4. Ronan 5. Mariam


Ruaridh Law is a sound artist and musician based in Ayrshire, Scotland.

Over 20 years he has performed in groups, in collaborations and solo across a wide range of festivals, arts spaces, venues and clubs as performer, improviser, DJ and artist, as well as hosting radio shows and writing.

Latterly his interests have been in sound art, especially involving psychogeography and esoteric interests. He has been commissioned for new work from organisations such as FutureEverything, the Anthony Burgess Foundation and Unconscious Archives in the UK, FIBER and Incubate in Amsterdam and AAA in San Francisco. He has a strong working relationship with Scotland’s Sanctuary, for whom he’s produced large-scale outdoor works combining sound walks, improvised performance and experimental storytelling.

His artistic focusses are on data-visualisation, human voices and their stories, unusual paradigms for performance and composing, and marrying abstraction to a beating human heart. These have manifested themselves in a tarot deck that generates music, sequential stories told over film and radio, right-wing propaganda twisted and sanitised into more worthwhile content and a walk through a forest and its imagined mythologies in the dead of night – as well as countless CD, DVD, vinyl and other music releases.

He runs the Broken20 multimedia label, which has been releasing experimental music, DVD, cassette, vinyl and mixed media works over 10 years and 50+ releases.