10 Scores for a Wild City
10 Scores for a Wild City:
Crab & Bee have provided 10 “scores”. These are actions for participants to try out during the course of this festival; an invitation to join in fully embodied engagement with cities, built environments, green spaces and unhuman wildlife. The scores are preliminary actions for a rewilding of a human self as the first steps towards a rewilding of the city.
Crab & Bee have also provided 5 short films to accompany five of the “scores” to demonstrate their own responses.
The online workshop will be an opportunity to explore these ideas a little further, using playful activity, discussion, and ecosensual engagement as a way to access and work with the specifics of site and personalities of place
Score for collaboration with Crab & Bee, Unfix 2021:
Part 1:
Choose one of these personae, then explore your town or city, seeing
through their eyes, sensing through their feelings:
A fox
A ghost
A detective in a city where a terrible crime has been committed and everyone is a suspect
The last human survivor of a zombie apocalypse
A diver in a world underwater
Part 2:
Create a response to this exercise; this may be a piece of writing, a drawing, a map or diagram, a poem, or something else: it is up to you.Send us your response by 21st June:
Email: mytho.smith@btopenworld.com
Post: 4, Dundonald St, Stoke, Plymouth, PL21EJIn response to your responses, Crab & Bee will make a ritual on 21st June. This will be documented and put up on the Crab & Bee page on the UNFIX website during the final week of the festival.