Film, 8 mins


Rachelle Dart
Dazii Rohlf


The Sonoran Desert is the most biodiverse desert both in plant and animal life on the planet. Currently this desert is enduring the highest temperatures and record drought. Disperse is an exploration of both the human destruction of the desert and hope for the restoration of human relationship to the land.


Rachelle Dart is a theatre maker, teaching artist and Sonoran Desert dweller. She holds a Bachelors of Arts Theatre with a Concentration in Acting from Arizona State University and is a certified teacher of Fitzmaurice Voicework®. Previous work include Performer/Filmmaker – En: 2021 (Ren Gyo Soh) Benvolio-Romeo and Juliet (Southwest Shakespeare Company). An Advanced Actor Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors, she is passionate about safe stage combat in education and performance. She loves exploring the many ways stories can be shared and experienced to bring us back to connection, compassion and inquiry!

Dazii Rohlf is based in Phoenix, Arizona and is an artist, educator and photographer! Her photography focuses around empowering women and non-binary folks, rejecting the notion that sexualty must exist for the male gaze. Her heart’s work is in education, she has a passion for working with children who are experiencing poverty and has served in Arizona and Uganda. She lives with her cat Princess and enjoys creating resin art and painting as her side hustle.